Monday, December 3, 2012

"It is not the violence that sets men apart. It is the distance that he is prepared to go"


Some days ago,

I saw a blue sphere and as it resounded, I saw the faint outline of another one.
The dim light made it more easier to see it. It was unmistakable.
#Ingress had landed in Mumbai.
And the Resistance had captured not one but 5 portals.
Beacons of Hope. Right at the seashore.
Like a Lighthouse, it emitted a strange and a wondrous light.


It seems to be vanishing. As I speak, only 2 remain.
They are replaced with a Green Light now.
The Enlightened boasts now of their first portal in Mumbai.

Wake up O Dreamer ! Your War is at hand.

"It is not the violence that sets men apart. It is the distance that he is prepared to go"

Right Now,

I haven't done a damn thing. Yet. It was never about me.
We are The Resistance. And You are Part of the Resistance. For those out there, this isn't over yet.
We haven't played our hand. Yet.

M60 signing out.
"Actions speak louder than words"

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